Lifestyle Change

So this page is really more for me than it is for you, but IF it helps me, then maybe it has the power to help someone else.  So for those of you who know me then you know I spent June of 2010 to April of 2011 really trying to improve myself by keeping my caloric intake to around 1500 and working out 4 to 5 times a week for 45+ minutes (thanks to Glee for keeping me entertained on the elliptical).  I lost about 50 lbs, and it was awesome!  But, somewhere along the way back in April, I started slacking and taking time off, and eating larger portions, and by June I was completely back to my old ways, I continued to log calories but I didn't seem to have a concern for the amount I was eating. I have now put about 12 of those pounds back on, and I can tell my self confidence isn't what it was, and I'm becoming more of a homebody again.  I have spent the last 2 months trying to get back into decent habits, but I could never seem to get myself to eat well and workout at the same time.  

Enough with the depressingness (don't worry, I know that's not a word), I feel like I'm in a turning point and on my way back. Thus, the reason for this page.  I feel like if maybe I share what I am up to with other people it will force me to want to make better choices, because, honestly who wants to share their failures?

So here is to more success!!

October 10
Today I started Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred Workout Video.  It's the first time I have ever done a workout video, and I have to say 20 minutes with her video and I was sweating just as much as I would have been on the elliptical for 45 minutes, and I only did Level 1.  I feel better about the workout I had today then just doing the elliptical, but at the same time, I know I would have burned more calories on the elliptical.  Anyways, I've been done now for over an hour and I can still feel it in my legs when I get up and walk.  I'm actually really looking forward to the soreness tomorrow, so I know I did something.  

As for the eating today, pretty good, slightly over my 1500 calories. But it is so hard to stop eating Cheetos :)  But I made a really good BBQ chicken pizza for dinner, and I'm definitely looking forward to the leftovers tomorrow.

October 11
Got my wish...I'm sore today.  It's funny though, I wasn't very sore this morning, but as the progressed so did the soreness.   I struggled through the video today, but I made it.  So let the soreness continue.

As for eating, again just an okay day, not where I would like to be, but the portions were smaller, so baby steps I guess.

October 13
Oh man, rough day.  I don't even want to talk about it.  It has bad choices spilled all over it.  But I said I would be honest so here is the long list of bad choices I made today.  Donut and hot chocolate for breakfast.  McDonalds for lunch, and Chipotle* for dinner...and worst of all NO workout!!!! AAAAHHHH Soooooo Bad.  Back at it tomorrow....maybe egg whites for breakfast, start off on the right foot.
*this one is not a regret because Chipotle is amazing)

October 16
Alright, so I'm a few days behind, but its not my fault it was a busy weekend.  And an unhealthy one, I was back in Mankato, so I had to get all my hometown favorites in, Yu's and a chicken Scwharma, plus I had chicken kiev at a wedding.  I did get some exercise in, in the form of racquetball and dancing.  So at least it wasn't a complete bust.  Back at it tomorrow, eating better and back to the Jillian Michaels workout.  Maybe this time I won't be so sore that I have to use the handicap rails in the bathroom in order to sit down.  Here's to a healthy week!

October 21

Twice this week, need I say more?
I will workout tomorrow, I will workout tomorrow, I will workout tomorrow.  

November 5
It's been awhile so here is a quick update, for the month of November I have given up pop, candy and potato chips. Its obviously day 5 and I'm fine on the no pop and potato chips.  But I could really go for some chocolate.  On top of that, yesterday I took a quick inventory of the food I have around my house, and decided there is enough here to feed me for the next 2 weeks, so with the exception of next weekend I will be staying in.  I'm only 24 hours into this challenge and I'm already struggling.  Haven't broke yet, but man on man there is a long a list of places I would like to eat some food from.  I have to quit here because that picture of the cookie and ice cream up above is killing me.  Until next time...